Presque Isle Audubon Society (PIAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, and a member of Audubon Mid-Atlantic. We serve Erie and Crawford counties in northwestern Pennsylvania. It is named after Presque Isle, a peninsula on the shores of Lake Erie near the city of Erie.
Throughout the year, Presque Isle Audubon provides educational and recreational activities which are centered around the natural world; these are open to the public. PIAS holds meetings on the third Friday of the month in September, October, November, February, March, April, May and June. A wide variety of field trips are offered throughout the year. PIAS also publishes a bimonthly newsletter, Tern of Events.
In addition to field trips and monthly programs, the Presque Isle Audubon Society is involved in other nature-related activities. PIAS conducts the Erie, PA Christmas Bird Count and hosts the "Festival of the Birds" in May. PIAS owns and maintains the 50-acre Laura Olsen Memorial Sanctuary in Crawford County, the 33-acre Fernwood Sanctuary near Fairview, and is co-owner (with the Botanical Society of Western Pennsylvania) of the 89-acre Titus Bog Sanctuary in Erie County.
The Society is also a member of the annual Allegany Nature Pilgrimage held at Allegany State Park, NY in June.
"The mission of Presque Isle Audubon is to connect people with birds, other wildlife and their habitats; through education, conservation, and advocacy."

Board of Directors
President - Sue Murawski
Vice-President - Paul Burroughs
Secretary - Susan Stush
Treasurer - Julie Dell
Past President - Drew Mortenson
Board of Trustees
2022-2025 Vacant
2022-2025 Thomas Frank
2023-2026 Kimberly Boal
2023-2026 Asher Whitney
2024-2027 Dave Gustafson
2024-2027 Mariam Ohanjanyan
Chairs of Standing Committees
Conservation - Paul Burroughs
Education - Jaimie Miller
Field Trips - Michele Franz
Membership - Ron Intrieri
Publications - Stacey Dell
Publicity - Vacant
Programs - Brian Miller
Sales and Marketing - Jennifer Ferrick
Sanctuaries - Sue Murawski
Executive Board Meetings
Executive Board Meetings will be held at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center at 6PM on the third Wednesday of every odd-numbered month, unless otherwise
Presque Isle Audubon Records Finding Aid
If you are interested in the history of the Presque Isle Audubon Society, you can use this finding aid as a guide to the content and organization of the Society's records. The finding aid also includes a brief history of PIAS. The Society's physical records, such as Executive Board minutes and newsletters, are housed in the PIAS office at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center.